Table 3. Validation Criteria and Practicaliy

Rate (P) (%) Models
81 to 100 Extremely Commonsense
61 to 80 Reasonable
41 to 60 Less Reasonable
21 to 40 Not Down to earth
0 to 20 Extremely Unreasonable
This review applies the Pretest-Post-test Control Gathering Plan. The Pretest-Post-test Control
Bunch Configuration research configuration is displayed in Table 4.
Table 4. Research Plan Pretest-Post-test Control Gathering Plan
Bunch Pre-test Treatment Post-test
Test O1 X1 O2
Control O3 X2 O4
The viability of utilizing online showing media is done via completing a few
sorts of tests, including: Use YUM RPM on AlmaLinux 8
Ordinariness test to see whether the circulation of the dissected information is typical. The SPSS
application for this situation assists test the ordinariness with testing. The ordinariness test utilized in this review was the
Shapiro-Wilk ordinariness test because of the little size of the review subjects. Information is remembered for the
ordinary conveyance in the test assuming the importance esteem got is more prominent than 0.05 (sig. > 0.05).
The homogeneity test was utilized to decide the homogeneity of the post-test information in the two
bunches utilizing the SPSS application. On the off chance that the importance esteem (p) acquired is more than or equivalent to

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